Periodical Exhibition "How the Greeks learned letters from the Fall of Constantinople to the Revolution (1453-1821)"
Friday 15 September 2023 - Wednesday 15 November 2023

How did the Greeks learn letters after the fall of the Byzantine Empire? How was not only the language, but also Greek education preserved, during the four centuries of Ottoman rule? What do we know about the thousands of anonymous priests and teachers and their students who learned the "collyvograms"? What are "courses" anyway? In which areas did great intellectual centers flourish where great forms of education were active? And how, after all, did education nurture the idea of the struggle for freedom?
Selected exhibits and modern interactive applications will attempt to provide answers to this essential, but little-known aspect of Greek education before the Revolution of 1821. The exhibition "How Greek letters were learned from the Conquest to the Revolution" (1453-1821)" it invites us to learn to read by spelling out familiar prayers; to leaf through school textbooks and decipher unknown "syllabics"; to discover unknown aspects of student life; to explore the map of Hellenistic schools; to do physics experiments; and finally, to write our own name like the students of the time.