About «Urban Hiking»


The "City of Waters" but also the "City of the Four Seasons", as the splendor of its symbol, the twelve waterfalls that form in its center, is colored differently in each season, even on the same day.

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Katerini Municipal Park

The Municipal Park, in the center of the city, is the largest green space in Katerini, in the middle of its urban fabric.

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The waterfront of Thessaloniki

The unique architectural design enhanced the beauty of the Thessaloniki waterfront and turned it into a top destination for walking in the city.

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More than a century after the fire of 1917 that destroyed most of the center of Thessaloniki, the area of "Ladadika" remains as a reminder of the city before the disaster.

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Eptapyrgio(Genti Koule)

Eptapyrgio, the fortification on the Acropolis of Thessaloniki, was built in the early 14th century and has dominated since as the highest point of the city.

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The covered market at the junction of Venizelou and Solomou streets is a great Ottoman monument in Thessaloniki, built in the middle of the 15th century.

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Aristotelous square

The majestic Aristotelous Square is the most famous square in Thessaloniki and with the elliptical shape of the buildings on its northern borders, it forms a landscape - a symbol for the city.

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Bit Bazaar

The “hidden” square in the center of Thessaloniki, with the seven galleries and antique shops – exchanges, of a bygone era.

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Kapani Market

"Kapani" is the oldest open public market in Thessaloniki, west of Aristotelous Square.

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