About «Veria»

Medrese Mosque

The Medrese Mosque, on the south side of Veria, is one of the two representative examples of Ottoman mosque architecture left in Veria, which is the largest and most complete as it preserves its minaret intact.

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Byzantine Museum of Veria

The Byzantine Museum of Veria is housed in an industrial building of the early 20th century, the water-powered flour mill of Stergios Markos.

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Old Metropolis of Veria

The Metropolis of Veria is one of the largest mid-Byzantine temples in the Balkans, built in the decade 1070-1080 by the bishop of the city of Nikita.

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Jewish Quarter (Barbuta)

The Jewish Quarter of Veria, or "Barbuta", is located next to the river Tripotamos, on the west side of the city.

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