Philotheou Monastery

Philotheou Monastery


Philotheou Monastery

The Monastery at the highest altitude of Mount Athos

Philotheou Monastery is built at an altitude of 310 meters, the highest among the monasteries of Mount Athos. It is located in the southeastern part of the peninsula, between the monasteries of Iviron and Karakallou. It was founded in the late 10th century by Philotheos, a contemporary of Saint Athanasius the Athonite. It is dedicated to the Annunciation of the Theotokos.

During the 16th century, the monastery was led by Dionysios of Olympus, and in the period from 1728 to 1760, it was inhabited by the monk Cosmas of Aetolia. During that period (1746), the main church, known as the Katholikon, was built on the site of the old one that had been destroyed. The Katholikon was frescoed in 1752, and the exonarthex was added in 1765, while the Treasury, located across from the Katholikon, was built, and painted in the 16th century.

Significant icons housed in the monastery include the Panagia Glykophilousa and the Panagia Geronitissa. The library contains around 2,500 printed books, many of which are in Russian and Romanian. It also houses 250 handwritten manuscripts, 2 parchment Gospel books from the 14th century, and the monastery preserves relics of Saints, vestments, sacred vessels, and a piece of the Holy Cross.

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