Folklore Museum of Monopigadou Vasiliki of Thermi

Folklore Museum of Monopigadou Vasiliki of Thermi


Folklore Museum of Monopigadou Vasiliki of Thermi

Dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the cultural heritage and everyday life of Monopigados

The Folklore Museum of Monopigados is located in the settlement of Monopigado, near Vasilika, in the Municipality of Thermi. The museum was created by the local community and is a place dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the cultural heritage and daily life of the village.

The museum was established in order to preserve and present to visitors the tradition and culture of Monopigados and the wider region. The residents of the village, with the support of the Municipality of Thermi, collected and preserved various objects and relics from everyday life, which are presented to the public.

The museum's collections include traditional tools and objects used in the agricultural and animal husbandry activities of the inhabitants. In addition, traditional clothing, utensils, furniture and household items are on display, giving a comprehensive picture of the way of life of the older generations.

The museum also includes reconstructions of traditional houses and workshops, highlighting the way the home and work were organised in a rural village. A visit to the museum gives visitors the opportunity to learn about the history of Monopigado and to gain a better understanding of the conditions and difficulties of life in the countryside.

The Folklore Museum of Monopigadou has developed an important educational role, attracting visitors from the region and beyond. Through its collections, as well as its educational activities, the museum contributes to the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage, strengthening local identity and creating a bridge between the past and the present.