The plane tree of “Mpara”
The plane tree of “Mpara”
The largest plane tree in Greece, over 1,500 years old
About two kilometers northwest of Kolindros square, in the location "Mpara", there is a natural monument unique in Greece and one of the most unique in the world. The largest plane tree in the country, with a circumference of 18 meters, a diameter of 5.70 meters, and a height of nearly 35 meters, has stood the test of time and still stands upright and healthy on the bank of the Mpara stream. A witness and, at times, a character in the myths and stories of the region, it has been a landmark in revolutionary struggles, a verse in a song, and has hosted generations of locals who have climbed its branches or used its shade for rest.
Recently, the School of Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Environment at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki calculated its age, which was determined to be more than 1,500 years old. Despite the natural disasters, the geological phenomenons that have occurred over the centuries of its life, and the fires that, especially the last one in 1985, almost burned it down and have left their visible signs on its trunk, the old plane tree remains a reference point for the residents of Kolindros and its visitors, in the in any case beautiful environment around it, which is ideal for a walk in the countryside and fresh air in nature.