Koutloumousiou Monastery
Koutloumousiou Monastery
Ten Minutes from the Capital of Mount Athos
Koutloumousiou Monastery is located in the heart of the Athos peninsula, ten minutes away from the capital of the Monastic State, Karyes. A distinctive feature of the monastery is its vast courtyard, where the imposing katholicon (main church) stands, built in 1370. It is considered one of the most beautiful monasteries on Mount Athos, featuring a wooden iconostasis and frescoes from 1540. On the left side of the katholicon, the chapel of Panagia (Virgin Mary) of the Fearsome Protection stands out, housing the famous icon of the Theotokos.
Throughout its existence, the monastery has faced the destruction of its buildings due to pirate raids, fires, and landslides, but it has always been reconstructed and renovated. A testament to its restoration is the significant frescoes in the Old Refectory, executed in the style of the Cretan School. The monastery's library holds approximately 3,500 printed books, 662 manuscripts, and an important historical archive.