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Thessaloniki City Hall

e City Hall of Thessaloniki gathers all the services of the Municipality and has been hosted since 2009 in the building complex that was built for that event.

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OTE Tower

A modern monument and newer symbol of the city, which rises through the area of the Thessaloniki International Fair and reaches a height of 72.4 meters.

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Statue of Eleftherios Venizelos

The statue of Eleftherios Venizelos, apart from being a tribute to the great Greek politician of the early 20th century, is one of the most common meeting places in the city.

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Emblematic as few monuments in the city, the "Rotunda", as the building that was connected with the Roman Palace of Galerius and its Arch, was named, was built at the dawn of the 4th century AD. and has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Arch of Galerius

One of the most emblematic monuments of Thessaloniki - and certainly the most popular meeting point

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Statue of Philip II

Not too far from the statue dedicated to his son, Alexander the Great, is the statue of Philip II, king of the Macedonians

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Statue of Alexander the Great

The imposing, majestic construction on the beach of Thessaloniki that presents Alexander the Great on horseback is one of the well-known monuments-symbols of the city.

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Statue of Aristotle

The most famous square of Thessaloniki has housed, since 1990, the statue of the ancient philosopher who gave it its name.

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Edessa Waterfalls

The famous waterfalls of Edessa, one of the most impressive sights in Greece

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