About «UNESCO Monument »

Church of the Prophet Elijah

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Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior

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St. Panteleimon Church

The church is located near Engatia, on the roads of Ariannou and Iasonidou, and is well preserved.

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Church of the Holy Apostles

A representative example of after-Byzantine architecture, the church of Agios Apostolos, at the beginning of Olympus Street, is a Byzantine monument of UNESCO world cultural heritage.

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Agia Sophia

The Cathedral of Agia Sophia is one of the most important Byzantine monuments of Thessaloniki.

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Emblematic as few monuments in the city, the "Rotunda", as the building that was connected with the Roman Palace of Galerius and its Arch, was named, was built at the dawn of the 4th century AD. and has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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Vlatadon Monastery

The Holy Patriarchal and Stavropegian Monastery of Vlatadon, built in the 14th century on the site of a pre-existing church, is the only Byzantine monastery in operation in Thessaloniki.

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Church of Agia Aikaterini

The Palaeologian Church of Agia Aikaterini is a great Byzantine attraction, which is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

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