Sanctuary of Isis at Dion
Sanctuary of Isis at Dion
The temple of worship for the Egyptian goddess in the sacred city of the Macedonians
Among the invaluable archaeological treasures revealed in the excavations at the Archaeological Park of Dion, the sanctuary dedicated to Isis Lochia holds special significance. Made of four temples, it was protected from the floods of the River Vaphyras, allowing it to retain its impressive artistic and historical value almost as it was when first constructed.
The central temple, surrounded by offers of believers, remains intact. It was dedicated to Isis, whose worship originated in Egypt, and its architecture dates back to the late 2nd or early 3rd century AD. To the north, a smaller temple was dedicated to Aphrodite Hypolympidia, while to the south, another unknown temple was discovered. The fourth temple, of later construction, was dedicated to Isis Tyche, as an inscription on the altar indicates. In the center of the complex, there is a constructed basin with its sacred spring.
The archaeological site of the sacred city of ancient Macedonians is located approximately 90 kilometers from Thessaloniki and is considered one of the most beautiful and well-maintained sites in Greece.