Old Hemp Factory of Edessa

Old Hemp Factory of Edessa


Old Hemp Factory of Edessa

The model rope and twine industry of the interwar period

A century ago, in the 1920s and 1930s, the Old Hemp Factory of Edessa produced the largest share of ropes and twine in Greece.

Until its closing down in 1966, it was the largest of the four similar factories in the country, manufacturing fabrics and ropes from Indian hemp, using mainly raw materials from the surrounding area. It had a workforce of up to 150 employees, exploiting the power of the water, which flows abundantly in Edessa, also known as the 'city of waters'.

The Hemp factory was abandoned for almost four decades, until the beginning of the 21st century. As part of the development of the Waterfall Park, it was restored and developed as a cultural venue, hosting catering businesses. In its grounds, visitors can still admire the machines from the interwar years.

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