Bust of Germanos Karavaggelis

Bust of Germanos Karavaggelis


Bust of Germanos Karavaggelis

In Honor of a Significant Religious Leader

The bust of Germanos Karavaggelis is located beside that of Kapetan Varda, and it stands as an important monument in Thessaloniki. Crafted from white marble, the bust was created in 1956 and portrays Germanos Karavaggelis in his official ecclesiastical attire, highlighting his religious role and his contributions to society.

The bust is set in a small green space adjacent to the Church of Panagia Chalkion, providing a tranquil area for visitors and worshippers. The sculpture was made by the artist Alice Chatz, known for her exceptional technical skill and artistic sensitivity.

The placement of this bust at this location enhances the cultural heritage of the area, honoring the memory of a significant religious leader and his contributions to the local community.

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