St. Athanasius Church in Koutsouchori, Veria

St. Athanasius Church in Koutsouchori, Veria


St. Athanasius Church in Koutsouchori, Veria

A 15th-Century Monumental Church

The Church of St. Athanasius in Koutsouchori (Koutsokhori), Veria, dates back to the 15th century. It is a small, single-nave, timber-roofed structure with a semicircular apse in the sanctuary. The interior of the church retains a fresco decoration from the late 15th century, attributed to the renowned Kastorian workshop, a significant artistic movement of the period in Macedonia and the Balkans.

The iconographic decoration features scenes such as the Virgin of Vlacherna, the Annunciation, the Transfiguration, and the Dormition of the Theotokos, as well as full-length images of saints and busts of saints. Particularly noteworthy are the depictions of Saints Demetrius and George in official court attire, indicating an effort to emulate the Kastorian workshop's style.

Although the decoration was created by a local workshop, it exhibits provincial characteristics, attempting to replicate the artistic standards of the major works from Kastoria. Similar stylistic features can also be found in the Church of Panagia Gorgoepekoos in Veria, supporting the theory that the same local teams worked on these churches in the late 15th century.

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