Armenian Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary

Armenian Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary


Armenian Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary

A Religious and Cultural Monument of the Armenian Community in Thessaloniki

The Armenian Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary in Thessaloniki, also known as the Catholic Church of the Virgin Mary, is a significant religious and cultural landmark of the Armenian community in the city. After persistent efforts by the Armenian residents, a plot of land was purchased and permission was secured for the construction of the church in the center of what was then Ottoman Thessaloniki in 1888. The church was designed by the renowned Italian architect Vitaliano Poselli, who is also known for many other notable monuments in the city.

The church was consecrated on November 6, 1903, and it is dedicated to the Virgin Mary (Surp Astvatsatsin). The church is distinguished by its architecture, which combines elements of Armenian style with local traditions.

The interior of the church is adorned with frescoes and stained glass depicting scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary and other theological representations. In addition to its liturgical functions, the church also serves as a cultural space hosting various events and activities of the Armenian community.

The Armenian Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary plays a significant role in social action, supporting vulnerable groups and promoting the cultural heritage of Armenians in Thessaloniki. Its address is Dialetti 4, Thessaloniki.

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