Museum of the Macedonian Struggle of Karydia
Museum of the Macedonian Struggle of Karydia
Dedicated to Macedonomachos Kapetan-Agras and the fighters of the Macedonian Struggle.
The village of Karydia, 12 km from Edessa, was named after the tree where one of the most significant figures of the Macedonian Struggle, Tellos Agras, was hanged in 1907. Betrayed by Bulgarian komitajis, he was arrested with his adjutant Antonis Migas and led to his death in Techovo, which was renamed in his honour, while the neighbouring Vladovo became the present-day settlement of 'Agras'.
In Karydia, in the centre of the village, a museum was created and opened in 2013 as a tribute to Kapetan Agra and the fighters of the Macedonian Struggle. The main exhibit is the very walnut tree where Sarantos Agapinos was hanged, as was his real name, which was transferred to the museum by the residents when the tree reached the end of his life and they decided to keep it for the symbolic reason of the historicity it carried.
The exhibition of the "Museum of the Macedonian Struggle of Karydia" includes uniforms and objects of the Macedonian Struggle, including medals, relics, icons, as well as family trees of the fighters who came from different regions of Greece.