Villa Morpurgo
Villa Morpurgo
A characteristic example of early 20th-century eclectic architecture
Villa Morpurgo, also known as Villa Zardinidi, is a historic building in Thessaloniki, currently owned by businessman Ivan Savvidis. The building is one of the city's significant architectural monuments and is closely linked to the history of Thessaloniki's Jewish community and the city's economic development.
The villa was built in 1905 by Italian-Jewish banker and entrepreneur Jack Morpurgo. Morpurgo was a member of Thessaloniki's affluent Jewish community, and the villa served as his family's main residence. The choice of location on the eastern side of the city (in the present-day area of Exoches) reflects the trend of wealthy families of the time to settle in more prestigious areas, away from the city center. After the Asia Minor Catastrophe and the population exchange, the villa changed hands and came into the possession of the Zardinidi family, which had significant influence in the economic and social life of Thessaloniki. The building remained in the family's ownership for many decades.
Villa Morpurgo is a characteristic example of the eclectic architecture that prevailed in Thessaloniki in the early 20th century. The building combines neoclassical and Renaissance elements, with symmetrical façades, impressive arched entrances, and decorative details that reflect the architectural luxury of the era. The villa's interior was also lavish, featuring large rooms decorated with wood, plaster ornaments, and ornate ceilings. The interiors were designed to host social events and impress guests.
Recently, the villa was acquired by Ivan Savvidis. It remains one of the most impressive buildings in Thessaloniki, symbolizing the city's architectural and social evolution during the 20th century.