Mount Itamos (Dragoudelis)
Mount Itamos (Dragoudelis)
The Highest Point to Admire the Most Beautiful Peninsula in Greece
Mount Itamos, also known as "Dragoudelis," is one of the hidden gems of Sithonia in Chalkidiki. Rising to an elevation of approximately 800 meters, this mountain offers breathtaking views of both sides of the peninsula, overlooking the Toroneos and Singitic Gulfs.
The natural beauty of Mount Itamos is remarkable, featuring lush vegetation including pine trees, oaks, and rare plant species. The mountain is named after the Itamos tree, one of Greece's oldest and rarest plants. The trails that traverse the mountain are perfect for hiking and cycling, providing tranquil paths through nature.
Explorers can enjoy the serene landscape, discover small clearings, and marvel at the views of Mount Athos and the surrounding beaches. Mount Itamos is an ideal destination for nature enthusiasts and those seeking a unique, authentic experience in Chalkidiki.