Chestnuts from Mount Paiko

Chestnuts from Mount Paiko


Chestnuts from Mount Paiko

Known for Their Sweet Taste and Tender Texture

The chestnuts from Mount Paiko are a remarkable variety produced in the region surrounding the Paiko mountain, located in Pella and Kilkis. This area is renowned for its favorable climate and ideal soil conditions, which enable the cultivation of high-quality chestnuts.

These chestnuts are known for their sweet taste and tender texture. They are relatively large with a thin, glossy shell. Rich in fiber, vitamins (such as vitamin C), and minerals (like iron and potassium), chestnuts are a nutritious choice.

The cultivation of chestnuts in Paiko has a long tradition, with local producers using traditional methods for growing and harvesting them. Harvest season typically occurs in autumn when the chestnuts are fully ripe. They are commonly consumed roasted or boiled and are used in various recipes, including desserts, pies, and side dishes.

Chestnuts from Mount Paiko are a fine example of the culinary richness of Northern Greece, with unique characteristics that set them apart. The regions that produce them have strong ties to local culture and gastronomy.